Вемакс Фарма - Претставништво Скопје

ЕМБС: 7399065
Индустрија: Здравство
Адреса: ул. Дане Крапчев бр. 13
Град: Скопје
Vema Pharma is Regional company that registers, imports and distributes pharmaceutical products and actively performs professional medical marketing.

The basic scope of activity of our company is the overall support to the partner companies both domestic and foreign. It includes the services of representation, registration, import and distribution of medicines, medical devices and dietary supplements.

So far we have concluded contracts on the import and distribution for the territory of Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania with the companies Libytec Pharmaceuticals S.A (Greece), Medicinalis GmBH (Austria), Ni Medic Pharm d.o.o. (Serbia), Life Pharma Serbia (Serbia – form a RHEI Group-RHEI life) and Pharma Unimedis (Greece).

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