UX Architect

За компанијата: Кеитаро е компанија со отворен извор што ги поттикнува деловните субјекти, владите и заедниците во целиот свет. Нашата цел е да обезбедиме најдобри решенија и услуги во класа со креативно користење... повеќе за компанијата »

(преземи го огласот како слика)

Keitaro is hiring an experienced UX Architect with at least two years of experience in the industry. We develop top-notch solutions and are looking to expand our team. If you want to work in a dynamic atmosphere and are ready to learn and grow along the way, join us at some of our existing offices or remotely. 

Required skills

  • Excellent Visual Design skills

  • Excellent Information Architecture skills

  • Excellent understanding of basic UX principles

  • Excellent understanding of contemporary UI patterns

  • Excellent communication skills

  • Team player


  • Communicate directly with users

  • Document requirements by acquiring a crystal-clear understanding of users’ needs and how designers should address them

  • Work closely with UX and UI designers to create mockups and interactive prototypes

  • Address important usability and accessibility problems

  • Propose UX/UI enhancements

  • Solve user problems

Apply onhttps://careers.keitaro.com/jobs/1358785-ux-architect

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