Програмски менаџер

За компанијата: Од нашето основање во 1983 година, во над 100 земји, ИРИ работи на зајакнување на граѓанското општество, политичките партии, маргинализираните заедници и други клучни области од суштинско значење за демократското... повеќе за компанијата »

Меѓународниот републикански институт (ИРИ) огласува работна позиција програмски/а менаџер/ка за програмата на ИРИ во Македонија. Програмски/а менаџер/ка е одговорен/на за прашања во врска со спроведување на програмски активности на програма во Македонија во период до 30 септември 2018 година, со можност за продолжување.

Ве молиме испратете ЦВ, мотивациско писмо (само една страна) во кое ќе ги наведете вашите квалификации, мотивација и додадена вредност за програмата на ИРИ во Македонија, и контакт информации на двајца препорачатели на емаил [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] до 30 октомври 2017. Вашата апликација и ЦВ треба да бидат на англиски јазик. ИРИ ќе ги контактира само високо рангираните кандидати.

The International Republican Institute (IRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, organization based in Washington D.C. dedicated to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide. Since 1983, IRI has worked to develop democratic institutions and ideals, carrying out a variety of international programs to promote freedom, self-government and the rule of law worldwide. IRI provides technical assistance in the areas of political party strengthening, promoting democratic governance and advancing the rule of law, developing civic institutions and open elections.

IRI is seeking to employ experienced Program Manager in for its good governance program in Macedonia for a period till September 30, 2018 with possibility for extension.  

PIease e-mail your Curriculum Vitae, a Letter of Application (one page only) outlining your qualifications, motivation and the added value you can bring to the program and contact details of two references to Ilina Mangova, Macedonia Program Director at [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] by October 30, 2017. Your application and CV should be submitted in English. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.  

The main obligations and responsibilities of the program manager are:

  • Is responsible for implementation and execution of good governance program activities in Macedonia.
  • Works under the leadership and follows the directions of the program director
  • Participates substantively in the design of new programs and contributes to the development of program ideas
  • Maintains and develops productive working relations with relevant stakeholders, political parties, representatives of state institutions, international organizations, consultants, IRI’s national and D.C. team
  • Is knowledgeable of and follows the ongoing developments in governance, political and civic area in Macedonia
  • Compiles essential monitoring and evaluation data from programmatic activities and prepares the weekly, quarterly, semi-annual, final and other relevant reports
  • Performs organizational, logistical, procurement and administrative duties
  • Actively supports IRI’s communication strategy
  • Other responsibilities as required.

Position Requirements  

  • Master’s degree in political, social sciences, economy or management
  • Five years related experience, or equivalent combination, in program design and management.
  • Detailed knowledge of Macedonia’s political system and good governance standards.
  • Strong communications and presentation skills.
  • Ability to work independently and as a member of a team to coordinate and lead the efforts of other professionals to effectively meet program needs.
  • Experience identifying complex problems and developing creative solutions.
  • Proven ability to write effective proposals, reports
  • Has knowledge and experience with program management supported by various funders.
  • Ability to conduct outreach for fundraising and promotion purposes.
  • Has excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Macedonian;
  • Excellent written and oral skills in Albanian language are an advantage

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