Eco Vent

ЕМБС: 6949401
Индустрија: Трговија
Адреса: Илинденска Бр.179, 1200 Тетово
Град: Тетово
Телефон: 0038978384611
Основана во 2011
ECO VENT L.T.D marked its official inception in 2011 due to serious aftermaths and continuous need for ecological products that would have a significant improvement for the air quality and further contribute towards the welfare of the whole ecosystem. But there is much more to the history of Eco Vent and its beginning than the aforesaid introduction. Eco Vent operates within the HVAC sector, thus being B2B and B2C oriented cooperating company aiming to provide services and fabricate products within its industry. Here at Eco Vent, we are in charge of designing, manufacturing, implementing and trading our products in order to provide a diverse range of services regarding the HVAC sector and its residential solutions.

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