Senior Front End Developer

За компанијата: ПАВ МОТИВИ преку иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Ви овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи, без оглед дали се работи за постојани или привремени работни позиции. Ние вистински ја разбираме важноста... повеќе за компанијата »

Your skills

  • You have at least 8 years of industry experience or 5 years + a relevant degree
  • You have in depth knowledge of vanilla JavaScript and follow the latest trends
  • You have some experience with React JS
  • Understanding of design patterns, and why they are used
  • Have built some ERP/CRM solutions in any language
  • Have experience in SCRUM / Kanban
  • Can write HTML and CSS confidently
  • Can self manage stories

What we provide

  • Flexible working hours
  • A very friendly environment
  • Opportunity for growth in terms of FE technologies
  • Freedom in creative solutions to problems
  • Flexible vacation periods 
  • Ability to manage your own schedule (deadlines)
  • Bonuses for delivery


Project description

Swedish well-known IT company have existing software, both web based and windows based that currently are in use. The plan is to make a modern REST-api (by the Swedish team) and a modern front end application that, in time, will replace all current applications. The Swedish team is responsible for all legacy products, backend solutions and backward compatibility work. Both teams will contribute to build and deploy on their respective code areas.

The application is big and will over time become even bigger. We have chosen to work with React framework and also invested a lot in a reusability framework to able to reuse graphical components on different layers.

The application is multi-language and responsible (also working on mobile) and also multi-role.

Our (current) tech choices are:

Cloud/hosting/logging: Azure (with no VM’s) and full use of Application Insights.

Deploy: Octopus deploy

Build: VSTS

Source code: Github

Languages: Microsoft SQL Server, C#.NET and Javascript/React.

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