t.me/12133735086))-comprar ketamina para aliviar la ansiedad


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If the anesthesia of wild animals is often performed in difficult conditions, the procedures for anesthesia of zoo animals, many of which are of the same species that are found in nature, can generally be simplified to reduce a large part of the stress que experimentan sus contrapartes salvajes. En el entorno del zoológico, los animales cooperativos pueden reciver medicamentos del same modo que las mascotas. The procedures can be simplified when the animal is accustomed to injections or any other behavior that may help the veterinary staff. When an animal does not cooperate, the use of a syringe of this kind, compressed gas projectors like airsoft guns or rifles and CO2 pistols may be necessary to administer medications via remote darts.

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Los anesthetic protocols and medications formulated for rapid induction and recovery can minimize stress and injury to animals. The evaluation and improvement of the anesthesia are important parts of the functions of the veterinarian of the zoo, because the physiological and environmental alterations can affect the welfare of the animal.

Ketamine: pharmacología y pharmacocinética.

Ketamine is a fast-acting general anesthetic that has a significant analgesic activity and a relative lack of cardiopulmonary depressant effects in healthy animals. It is believed that it induces both anesthesia and amnesia to functionally alter the SNC by means of overstimulation of the SNC or to induce a cataleptic state. La ketamine se une al sitio uniona de phencyclidine de los NMDA receptors, lo que evita que el glutamato, un neurotransmisor excitador, estimule estos receptors. La ketamine also interacts with opioid and monoaminergic receptors, which contributes to the antinociceptive effects of this drug. It is also believed that ketamine acts as an antagonist in the site of the muscarinic receptor, due to its anticholinergic effects (e.g., bronchodilation, delirium and simpaticomimetic action); sin embargo, these symptoms can also be caused by direct stimulation of the sympathetic system. 3


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