Спа терапевт/ Spa Esthetician

За компанијата: Заслужуваш кариера која ја исполнува твојата цел. Заслужуваш да сонуваш без ограничувања. Биди дел од нешто поголемо од тебе, придружи се на тимот каде што секој има глас. Биди инспириран од можностите и откриј ја својата иднина. Почни ја својата цел, придружи се на нашата глобална заедница. повеќе за компанијата »

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Provide massage services to guests using props and/or products. Provide body treatments to guests using body scrubs, wraps, and/or hydrotherapy. Assess guest needs and inquire about contraindications (e.g., allergies, high blood pressure, and pregnancy) before beginning service. Keep up to date with current techniques and modalities related to their field of work. Escort guests to and from treatment rooms. Arrange workstation, treatment room, and/or drapes. Frequently check with guest to promote comfort, safety and security throughout service. Promote and sell spa/salon services including retail offerings related to the Spa. Clean, maintain, and sterilize tools. Maintain cleanliness of workstation and/or treatment room throughout shift, dispose of trash and dirty linens, and secure supplies and equipment at the end of each shift. Monitor and stick to time schedule throughout the day. Handle inappropriate guest behavior by following Marriott International standard operating procedures for Inappropriate conduct for guests and therapists, leading up to and including stopping a treatment or service and informing supervisor/manager. Maintain current skills and licensure in service area as per regional requirements.

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