Social Media Manager

За компанијата: ПАВ МОТИВИ преку иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Ви овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи, без оглед дали се работи за постојани или привремени работни позиции. Ние вистински ја разбираме важноста... повеќе за компанијата »

Motivi Employments, for its client ALMA-M is looking for a:


Social Media Manager


Main Tasks:

• Analyze expectations of stakeholders according to previous activity on social media;

• Develop campaigns on social networks;

• Defines KPI's and kra’s (key results areas) for social media campaigns and reports on ROI;

• Updates website content and social network profiles on all channels;

• Communicates with clients and followers;

• Uses social media marketing tools (buffer; Hootsuite...)

• Monitors campaigns and analyzes received data;

• Monitors web traffic optimization and metrics;

• Establishes relationships with influential members (influencers) on social media to develop a strong network;

• Daily generate, edit, publish and share engaging content (eg.: original text, photos, videos and news) for posts;

• Pays attention to trends on social networks;

• Communicates effectively with all stakeholders; including senior management and content creators;

• Researches current trends and audience preferences;

• Designs and implements a social media strategy to align with business goals;

• Collaborates with other teams (eg.: sales) to ensure brand consistency;

• Proposes and implements new things to develop brand awareness, such as promotions, contests, etc.;

• Performs other tasks upon request of the supervisor.       


Skills and qualifications required:

• Excellent knowledge of the Albanian language;

• Master of marketing; digital marketing; internet marketing; journalism or related field;

• Previous experience as a copywriter and content manager;

• Two (2) years of experience as a social media manager or similar position;

• Experience in creating strategies for social media;

• Knowledge of best practices for social media platforms such as Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Linkedin etc;

• Excellent verbal and written communication skills;

• Writing content at a professional level;

• Knowledge of web design;

• Organized and able to multitask.


Send your application to  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]  with the subject Social Media Manager

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