Junior HR Consultant

За компанијата: Ние имаме 40 канцеларии во 20 земји и воедно сме зачетници во професионалното советување на територијата на источна Европа. Нашата разгранета мрежа и широката палета на услуги кои ги пружаме гарантира... повеќе за компанијата »

HILL Skopje is a partner of HILL Interanational GmbH, with more than 10 years of experience in North Macedonia, providing professional recruitment, selection and other HR services. By using a scientifically founded methodology and proven HR tools, we represent a reliable and highly professional HR partner. For further support of our local team in Skopje, we are searching for a responsible, self-motivated and reliable person for the position of

                                                                           Junior HR Consultant


  • University degree in Psychology, HR or Business-related sciences
  • Experience in recruitment process is an advantage
  • Excellent knowledge of English language (written and spoken) and PC literacy
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication and negotiation abilities, with strong customer orientation and understanding of customer needs
  • Proactive, team player, analytical and self-motivated individual


  • Performing search and selection procedures for various branches of industry, covering variety of professional profiles
  • Defining job descriptions with clients
  • Writing professional and targeted advertisement texts
  • Conducting competency-based interviews and preparing written reports
  • Using a battery of psychological tests - HILL Competence Analysis© and creating individual candidate reports
  • Maintaining database of candidates up to date
  • Assisting in acquisition of new clients
  • Maintaining high quality level of services according to HILL corporate standards
  • Reporting to management team based in Serbia


Working hours: from Monday to Friday - 08:00-16:00

If you are interested to become a part of a small, successful team of professionals, with an opportunity to prove your competencies and grow your career accordingly, please submit your CV to our address, not later than 23.12.2020, stating the name of the position you are applying for.

                                                        e-mail: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]


                                                                                tel: +389 2 3296 481

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