За компанијата: Американската гимназија Скопје нуди висококвалитетно образование и негувачка растечка средина заснована на концепт на учење насочен кон ученикот. Тоа е средно училиште кое е посветено на подготовка на... повеќе за компанијата »

The American High School Skopje offers high-quality education and a nurturing growing environment based on a student-centered learning concept. It is a high school that is dedicated to preparing young people for work and life in contemporary global society. We thrive on educating students that honor and contribute to society in a way that hopes to make our community, and ultimately, the world, a better place.

We are expanding our team and looking for candidates who will contribute to training young people for work and life in a contemporary global society.


                                                  OPEN POSITION FOR PHYSICS TEACHER AT AHSS

                                                                                Join our team!



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Physics – teaching concentration, or with pedagogical, psychological, and methodological qualification
  • English Language Proficiency (level C1 required)
  • Candidates with State Professional Exam for
  • Teachers according to the positive legal regulations will have an advantage over other candidates
  • Candidates with experience in teaching in High School (at least 3 years) will have an advantage over other candidates
  • Strong organizational and communication skills
  • The ability for Teamwork and collaboration
  • Professionalism and strong work ethic


Job Description

  • At least 14 classes of teaching per week
  • Homeroom Teacher
  • Participation in Teacher and Class Councils
  • Consultations with Students



  1. Job Type: Full-Time
  2. Starting Date: The academic Year 2023/2024 (September 1, 2023)
  3. Working Hours: 08:00 – 16:00 (Monday to Friday)
  4. Duration of Contract: 12 months


AHSS Website

Interested candidates can apply and send their CVs to  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]no later than June 10, 2023.

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