Production Manager (UAP)

За компанијата: ПАВ МОТИВИ преку иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Ви овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи, без оглед дали се работи за постојани или привремени работни позиции. Ние вистински ја разбираме важноста... повеќе за компанијата »

Motivi Employments, for its client Skila DOOEL, an international group specialized in the production of paramedical products, located in Prilep, is looking for a


Production Manager (UAP)


- Supervision and animation of the production team (300 p)

- Management and compliance with production schedules

- Supervise production rates and manage continuous improvement actions

- Consolidate, analyze, and present performance indicators (KPIs)

- Ensure compliance with constraints (quality, costs, deadlines)

-   Ergonomics/improvement of the workspace for the improvement of performance

- Manage priorities, ability to deal with problems in the face of unforeseen events

- Propose evolutions and improvements of the organization, productivity, and logistics

- Ensure maintenance and improve the organization in place, maintain procedures and all means of follow-up for cost optimization

- Training and coaching of new recruitments





- Knowledge of production tools and quality procedures (ISO standards)

- Knowledge in lean management

- Mastery of the computer tool / ERP software

- Knowledge of planning methods

- Knowledge of problem-solving methods

- 5 S, compliance with safety instructions, ergonomics concepts

- Fluency in English





- Electromechanical/industrial/textile engineer or equivalent

- Successful experience of 5 years min in a similar position in an industrial offshore environment.

-  Pragmatism with an interest in research and continuous improvement,

- Project management skills and pro-proposal skills

- Sense of management, responsibilities and priorities,

- Flexibility and adaptability.



Send your application to [email protected] with the subject PRODUCTION MANAGER


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