Manager - Cinema in Skopje

За компанијата: Со посветеност која трае веќе 15 години, со иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Мотиви успешно им служи на најголемите компании на нашиот пазар и овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи. Од самиот почеток... повеќе за компанијата »

MOTIVI for their client is looking for a  MANAGER - Skopje


Description: Manage and operate a number of multiplex cinemas operating in the Balkans, with a minimum of 5 years experience required, including overseeing day to day operations, staff management, planning and taking charge of all operational matters.

Employment start: March 2020

Placement & work location: Skopje, N. Macedonia

Transport - Provided for official work

Languages - English is a plus


Duties & Responsibilities:

  1. in charge of all aspects of the day-to-day supervision of cinemas.
  2. lead cinema operations to ensure and meet the customer needs and achieve revenue targets.
  3. perform their duties utilizing efficient operations that are focused on fair people management systems and standard operating procedures.
  4. ensuring that the cinema comply with health and safety legislation;
  5. recruiting, training, managing and appraising staff;
  6. promoting and marketing films;
  7. keeping financial and statistical records; writing reports and financial forecasts;
  8. making sure that excellent customer service is provided;
  9. dealing with customer inquiries and complaints; maintaining cinema standards;
  10. maximizing productivity and meeting sales targets;
  11. working together with agencies to ensure that housekeeping and security standards are obeyed;
  12. motivating all staff to do their best in performing their duties;
  13. evaluating the performance of the cinema staff;
  14. ensuring that operating and accounting procedures and standards are obeyed.

How to Apply:

Interested candidates should submit their applications to [email protected]

Deadline for applying is February 21, 2020

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