Professors in Mathematics and Computer Science

За компанијата: Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје е високообразовна институција која ги комбинира најдобрите образовни методи и практики од американскиот и европскиот образовен систем. УАКС е основан под закрила на мотото... повеќе за компанијата »

OPEN CALL for Full-Time and Part-Time Faculty Positions at the SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION


We are looking for candidates with degrees in Mathematics, and Computer Science!

University American College Skopje is an institution for higher education that combines the best of American and European educational standards. It was founded with the understanding that all people are created equal and enriched by education. UACS is a vibrant academic environment that fosters intellectual curiosity. The University is accredited internationally by ACBSP – Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Program. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in English.

The School of Computer Science and Information Technology is looking for national and international Faculty members!


Open Positions:


(Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Full Professor)

Full Time Job: 40 hours weekly out of which the professor is excepted to be at UACS 20 hours weekly[1]


  • Hold a PhD in Computer Science, or Mathematics
  • GPA at least 8.00 (Macedonian Grading System) both for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
  • Strong research record
  • Professional experience in the related industry, or exceptional career advancement and professional achievements
  • Candidates holding at least one UACS degree, or International degree will have an advantage over other candidates
  • English Language (Level C1)


Full Time Job: 40 hours weekly out of which the professor is excepted to be at UACS 20 hours weekly[2]


  • Hold a Master’s Degree in Computer Science, or Mathematics
  • GPA at least 8.00 (Macedonian Grading System) both for Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
  • Research record
  • Professional experience in the related industry, or exceptional career advancement and professional achievements
  • Candidates holding at least one UACS degree, or International degree will have an advantage over other candidates
  • English Language (Level C1)


Part Time Job: expected work load 3 hours per week/15 weeks a semester


  • Hold a Degree in Computer Science, or Mathematics (BSc, MSc,)
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in the related industry, or minimum 3 years of exceptional career advancement and professional achievements
  • Candidates holding at least one UACS degree, or International degree will have an advantage over other candidates
  • English Language (Level C1)

UACS provides a creative and supportive environment for professional development, IBNLT professional development seminars, support for publishing & collaborative research.


Equal Employment Opportunity

Honorarium and salaries are subject to UACS Bylaws

Working Hours at UACS are flexible and mainly circled around the class schedule

Apply: send your CV & Motivation Letter to  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

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