Друштво за осигурување ХАЛК ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ АД Скопје лого

Junior Database Programmer

За компанијата: ХАЛК ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ АД Скопје е Друштво за неживотно осигурување кое се стреми кон брз развој и зголемено учество на пазарот на осигурување во Република Северна Македонија. На нашите вработени им нудиме динамична... повеќе за компанијата »

HALK OSIGURUVANJE AD Skopje is a non-life insurance company that strives for rapid development and increased participation in the insurance market in the Republic of North Macedonia. We offer our employees dynamic work with the opportunity for professional development and upgrading as well as excellent working conditions in an environment with an ambitious and professional team.

In accordance with our goal and strategy, we need motivated and talented candidates for employment in the following job position:

                                                       Junior Database Programmer

Position Summary: A Junior Database Programmer will join a growing team responsible for delivering business-critical reporting and value-added data insights that meet the most important business needs. The position is responsible for performing advanced technical and analytical work in the development and support of standardized and/or customized reports and applications. Work includes advanced technical programming activities, including creating SQL queries, views and stored procedures, testing, debugging, and maintaining existing codebase for reports and web applications.

Overall Responsibilities and Duties

  • SQL database experience must use most recent SQL release or two versions prior.
  • Write and debug queries against normalized, de-normalized and dimensional SQL database.
  • Debug and maintain stored procedures, views, and triggers.
  • Use database models to debug and enhance queries.
  • Maintain Projects, Database Views, Data Sources and Data Connections using SSRS.
  • Maintain and update data cubes.
  • Collaborate on new reports, score cards and dashboards.
  • Troubleshoot and analyze functions and services.
  • Create parameterized queries for application database calls
  • Provide input to DBA(s) on data element formats and data granularity necessary to meet end-user requirements.
  • Work in conjunction with the business application process to design specific database applications aid workflows.
  • Participate in testing, acceptance testing, and implementation of information systems modules and subsystems.
  • Participate in the evaluation of application software and systems.
  • Perform other duties as deemed necessary by corporate management.
  • Special projects or duties as assigned or required.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

  • Strong problem-solving and decision-making abilities.
  • Excellent verbal and writing communications skills.
  • Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
  • Key Technologies in Use:
    • Microsoft Windows Server
    • SQL Server Reporting Services
    • Microsoft SQL Server


  • Computer Programming: 1-3 years (Preferred)
  • Data Warehouse experience a plus
  • MicroStrategy experience a plus


  • Bachelor’s Degree

If you want to become part of our Company, send us your CV and motivation letter to the following e-mail address: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] , marked "Employment announcement for Junior Database Programmer".

By submitting your application you confirm that you accept your application and personal data to be processed and taken into account for the future needs of new employments of the Company.

Note: Only employees that fulfill qualifications will be invited for an interview.

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