За компанијата: ИТД Дистрибуција Македонија е дел од Инфософт Групацијата (Infosoft Group) која е основана во 1991 година. Со своето повеќе годишно искуство, Инфософт Групацијата опфаќа компании на пазарите на Албанија,... повеќе за компанијата »

ITD Distribucija DOO Skopje, an IT distribution company, is seeking to recruit:





  • Driving General manager on daily basis or other employee on request to accomplish different tasks for job purposes in Skopje or outside (business trips, meetings, delivery of posts, state institutions, banks, etc.);
  • Maintaining the vehicle safe and clean;
  • Book car wash and detailing services to maintain interior and exterior cleanliness of the company vehicles;
  • Schedule regular car service appointments and report any defect to supervisor, in order to repair it;
  • Performs related duties as required.


Candidate’s Requirements:

  • High School Education – obligatory
  • Driving licence, Class B
  • Availability to work overtime
  • Minimally 3 years of work experience as a driver
  • Agility and very good communication skills
  • Clean driving record


Qualified candidates should submit the letter of interest, the updated CV and the copies of supporting documents including letters of reference, to the following e-mail address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]


All documents must be submitted in English language.


The closing date for applications is 30.09.2019

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