Мотиви лого

Housekeeper – Deputy Chief of Mission residence (DCMR)

За компанијата: Со посветеност која трае веќе 15 години, со иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Мотиви успешно им служи на најголемите компании на нашиот пазар и овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи. Од самиот почеток... повеќе за компанијата »

PEA MOTIVI for our client Deputy Chief of Mission is looking for a hard working 

Housekeeper – Deputy Chief of Mission Residence (DCMR)

Duties and responsibilities

Primary Duties:

  • Duties include all cleaning responsibilities of the residence (except kitchen), daily laundering, washing and ironing of table linen, receiving of visitors, answering phones, and other duties as assigned by the employer.
  • Duties include polishing silver and crystal, setting tables, mixing and serving cocktails.  Ensure that table settings are laid neatly and consistently, following diagrams provided by the DCM’s designee, for sit-down dinners, cocktail receptions, parties.  During events, greet guests, place coats etc. in closets, serve food and beverages, and assist in cleaning dishes during and after events.
  • Manage the inventory of all official items (silver, crystal, china, linens, etc.) to ensure they are stored carefully, protected from damage, and cleaned or polished regularly.  Remove any items that are damaged so they can be stored separately and so replacements can be ordered.  After each event, carefully record in an event log any missing or damaged items.  Ensure that damaged items are then returned to the Embassy on a quarterly basis.   Submit a work order to GSO to request replacement items of official china and silverware twice a year to ensure that sufficient place settings of the official china sets are available for use at all times.
  • Establish and maintain a list of cleaning supplies, equipment, and any related items needed to support the residence; and recommend to the Principal Officer’s designee when additional supplies are needed.  Submit a MyServices request with a list of supplies needed for the residence.

Secondary Duties:

  • Ability to take over the responsibility for the general functioning and appearance of the house, ensuring that a high standard is maintained.
  • Works with the other ORE staff to perform representational duties, including preparation and planning.
  • Expected to work overtime when necessary.
  • As directed, arrange for services with local vendors such as florists, dry cleaners and tailors, and arrange appointments for services in coordination with the DCM.
  • Assist the DCR cook, when needed, with accounting and bookkeeping; learn the system that is in place for DCR accounting and bookkeeping by shadowing the DCR cook and serve as the cook’s backup in accounting and bookkeeping in the DCR cook’s absence.
  • When another ORE staff member is absent, takes care of his/her responsibilities to maintain the residence.
  • Serve as the backup for the DCR cook on coordinating with Facilities on house repairs.  To request services, submit a MyServices request to Facilities.  Keep a separate log on residence items that need repair (with the date) and arrange for repairs in a timely manner.  Coordinate such service requests with the cook and the DCM.

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Is responsible for cleaning and maintaining the private and guest rooms as well as the staff area of a large residence on a daily basis;
  • Duties include making beds, daily cleaning and dusting all rooms, hallways, and cleaning of the bathrooms;
  • Periodically washes windows and cleaning out closets;
  • Prepares guest rooms when guests are expected;
  • Assists in official events by taking coats at the front door; washing dishes in the pantry; and assisting in serving guests;
  • Assists in cleaning the kitchen when necessary;
  • Performs other duties as assigned.


Education: Graduated from secondary school, professional job-related training or vocational training desired.

Work Experience: Two to three years in a similar environment or in a customer services-oriented position – preferably in a hotel or restaurant. Experience as housekeeper in a similar position may replace former hotel/restaurant experience.

Language: Basic English; good working knowledge Macedonian.

Abilities and Skills: Must be knowledgeable in cleaning as well as in the use of specific cleaning supplies and equipment.  Must be able to serve and do laundry.  Employee must be discreet and able to maintain confidentiality; must be able to follow guidance given by the Principal Officer and Principal Officer’s designee in a professional, tactful, team-oriented manner, carrying out instructions in a timely fashion.

Position Elements:

Supervision Received:  From the Deputy Chief of Mission’s spouse or designated representative.

Exercise of Judgment: Must be able to independently determine when and whether rooms, furniture, rugs, etc. need cleaning and what residence repairs need to be scheduled.

Uniforms: Staff receives shoes and two sets of uniforms (one daytime and one evening set for official receptions) from the employer.  These items remain the employer's property.

Send your aplication to kariera@motivi.mk

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