KARIERA.mk настани

How to get to #1 on Google search with SEO
Full Day SEO Workshop Agenda

We are announcing an event to remember!

21.05.2024, Skopje

This workshop is designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) principles, strategies, and best practices. Participants will learn how to optimize their websites to increase visibility, drive organic traffic, and improve search engine rankings. This workshop is designed for digital marketers, entrepreneurs, and SEO enthusiasts to come together and explore the latest trends from the world and learn new techniques for better possitioning of their e-stores and web sites in general!

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Evgeni Yordanov with nearly 20 years of professional experience, keynote speaker at many international digital-focused events. A winner of the European Search Awards, he is a certified content marketing professional by Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, currently in the process of obtaining his Ph.D. in Search Engine Optimization. Graduated with honors from his engineering Master’s degree in Business Informatics and engineering Bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication.

Evgeni served at different senior management positions in several B2B start-ups & agencies helping brands across the world such as Hilton Hotels & Resorts, Bayer, ORIFLAME, BNP Paribas, Jaguar, Efbet, MrBricolage, foodpanda, John Deere, etc. Evgeni is also one of the drivers developing and nurturing young entrepreneurs in the Balkans with his mentorship work with the StartUP Foundation and on events such as StartUp Weekend and Rockstart Answers. He is a professor at DigitalPro, SerpAcad, and International Business School. Throughout the years a lecturer at Telerik Academy and some of Bulgaria’s top universities.

Претходни и следни KARIERA.mk настани

How to get to #1 on Google search with SEO
21.05.2024 Skopje

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