Друштво за осигурување ХАЛК ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ АД Скопје лого

Junior Systems Administrator Employment

За компанијата: ХАЛК ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ АД Скопје е Друштво за неживотно осигурување кое се стреми кон брз развој и зголемено учество на пазарот на осигурување во Република Северна Македонија. На нашите вработени им нудиме динамична... повеќе за компанијата »

HALK OSIGURUVANJE AD Skopje is a non-life insurance company that strives for rapid development and increased participation in the insurance market in the Republic of North Macedonia. We offer our employees dynamic work with the opportunity for professional development and upgrading as well as excellent working conditions in an environment with an ambitious and professional team.

In accordance with our goal and strategy, we need motivated and talented candidates for employment in the following job position:

                                                           Junior Systems Administrator

Full Job Description

Position Summary: A Junior Systems Administrator includes responsibility for specification, selection, installation, configuration, system management and operation, including administration and maintenance of systems support for all company software and hardware. This responsibility includes testing, troubleshooting, diagnosing, and resolving problems related to the same. Provide timely technical support for users and works with them to solve existing problems. This position will also include providing help desk support needs with use of the company’s ticket system as well as additional requests determine by management and organizational project needs.

Job Duties and Responsibilities include:

  • Responsible for user administration including setting up and maintaining accounts.
  • Maintaining companies’ systems and software to include office 365, Exchange and VM.
  • Includes monitoring software applications to ensure use and compliance with company policies
  • Maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot physical and virtual server infrastructure
  • Maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot Windows server environment
  • Maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot network-based services: File and Print services, Email, Active Directory, DHCP/DNS/WINS
  • Maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot messaging and meeting systems
  • Configure, maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot document imaging solution
  • Configure, maintain, monitor, and troubleshoot windows software deployments
  • Monitor and troubleshoot door security access system
  • Provide and maintain documentation of backup processes and retention periods
  • Provide and test backup and disaster recovery processes and procedures
  • Stay current on internet technologies to facilitate growth.
  • Quickly arrange repair for hardware in occasion of hardware failure.
  • Install software and monitoring tools.
  • Work on policies and procedures.
  • Help Desk Support
  • May need to travel as required
  • Perform other duties as assigned

Skills and Competencies: (i.e. dependable, self-directed, goal-oriented, ability to effectively communicate complex information, Emergency Management / Disaster Recovery industry knowledge preferred, specific technical programs needed, etc.)

  • Understanding of system software to include Windows, Linux and SQL
  • Strong problem-solving skills

Required Education and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • 1-3 years of experience
  • Working knowledge of PC/LAN application software including word processing, spreadsheets, and email
  • Ability to make contact with other departments, requiring tact and judgment to avoid friction.
  • Ability to interface with technical personnel in order to discuss technical issues pertaining to problems, purchases, or technical specifications.
  • Ability to learn new software quickly.

If you want to become part of our Company, send us your CV and motivation letter to the following e-mail address: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] , marked "Employment announcement for Junior systems administrator".

By submitting your application you confirm that you accept your application and personal data to be processed and taken into account for the future needs of new employments of the Company.

Note: Only employees that fulfill qualifications will be invited for an interview.

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