Legal Advisor - Lawyer

За компанијата: ИТД Дистрибуција Македонија е дел од Инфософт Групацијата (Infosoft Group) која е основана во 1991 година. Со своето повеќе годишно искуство, Инфософт Групацијата опфаќа компании на пазарите на Албанија,... повеќе за компанијата »

Активни огласи од ИТД Дистрибуција ДОО Скопје :

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Job announcement


ITD Distribucija Doo Skopje






An excellent opportunity for you to join a regional leading IT distribution company, part of InfoSoft Group. We are company with 16th years of experience on Macedonian market, dealing with distribution of IT products, paper and graphic materials.

In recent years despite the global economic crisis, we have high performance in our operations. Aspiring for high performance while taking into consideration market realities, focusing on punctual distribution process, qualitative relationship with partners, high business ethics, excellent logistics, professionalism and knowledge in sales/management, ITD Distribution has the objective to be a market leader in the IT distribution market in Macedonia.

Continued progress and growth of our company is based on the talent and work of our team of 40 professional, ambitious and qualified employees. The continuous staff training with the scope of improving performance, professional development and career advancement through the Company's structure is one of our main concern. Each employee has documented evaluation of performance assessment based on metrics, clear and concrete instructions for fulfilment of the duties, staff motivation for encouraging personal skills and improvement of job efficiency. This is why, in our view, human capital has been and will be our greatest asset.


What You’ll Do


  • Reviewing and drafting agreements, service provider contracts and amendments to agreements, and ensuring they are in compliance with legal requirements and group policies;
  • Reviewing all contracts or any other documentation, and assessing legal implications that need to be brought to the attention of management and staff;
  • Ensuring relevant legal requirements are disseminated to the appropriate staff
  • Manages change in statutory documents
  • Drafting and administration of legal documents of the company;
  • Prepare contracts and other legal documents/Negotiates different type of contracts;
  • Tracking and reporting of clients debts;
  • Discerns the changes of the business’ laws and informs the departments and other interested employees.
  • Interpret laws, rulings and regulations for the company.
  • Translation of legal documents;
  • Other legal consultations


What You’ll Need to be Successful


  • University degree – Faculty of LAW
  • More than two years’ experience in the filed
  • Excellent knowledge of local business law and regulations and in depth knowledge of law on public procurement, data privacy, law on obligations and labour relations law
  • Passed Law (Bar) exam – advantage
  • You should have a positive attitude and excellent communication skills to effectively share your knowledge
  • You should have extensive experience in office management and the ability to respond quickly to requests from management.
  • Be able to operate effectively in a team environment and under pressure
  • Very good organizational, time management skills and deadline-oriented
  • Good team player with excellent interpersonal & communication skills, a good sense of humor is always a plus.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skill in English Language, knowledge of Albanian language will be an advantgage.


What you can expect from us


  • Great opportunity to join a Balkan wide recognized & market leading company
  • Liberal and enriching environment;
  • Carrier development and professional challenges;
  • Private health insurance
  • Excellent work environment;


Qualified candidates should submit the letter of interest and their CV, to the following email address: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] , with „Subject” indication: “Legal Advisor - Lawyer”

Only qualified candidates will be called on interview.

The CV-s must be in English. The closing date for applications is 07.04.2023.  


The personal information that you will submit through your application, will be protected and used only for recruiting purposes, according to the legislation for the protection of personal information, the Law on Personal Data Protection ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 7/05, 103/08, 124/08, 124/10, 135/2011, 43/2014 and 153/15).



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