English Speaking Telephone Assistant

English Speaking Telephone Assistant


Work remotely, from the office or a combination of both: you choose. We welcome applicants from any city in Macedonia!

Work doesn't need to be miserable, and it certainly isn't here! Now in our 12th year in Skopje, Personal Ltd Dooel, a UK owned company, has been consistently one of the best companies to work for in North Macedonia, and we pride ourselves on how our team members develop and progress.

We are very busy and need 4 more people to provide telephone support services for our businesses in the UK.

All applicants should have excellent knowledge of the English language and good communications skills. We welcome ambitious, hard-working people and above all team players.

If you have the skills, a positive attitude and like to be productive, come and join our team. Work for a company that appreciates you, keeps its promises and provides a happy and supportive working environment, where everyone's contribution is valued.

We are taking precautions for the time being, working from home until the Coronavirus problem diminishes. After it does, you'll have the choice of working from home, working in our Skopje office or a combination of working from home and in the office (minimum one day a month). Variety is the spice of life, after all.

This position is open to candidates from all areas of North Macedonia, but involves one day each month in our Skopje office.

If you have the skills and want to work with a great team, I would be very interested to see your CV,


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