За компанијата: Универзитет Американ Колеџ Скопје е високообразовна институција која ги комбинира најдобрите образовни методи и практики од американскиот и европскиот образовен систем. УАКС е основан под закрила на мотото...
повеќе за компанијата »Digital Marketing Officer
UACS Networking Sector
Job description:
- Maintenance and updating web content, new tools implementation, monitoring and
control of the web sites www.uacs.edu.mk and www.ahss.edu.mk for all study programs
and the University and the High School in general.
- Maintenance, creation and implementation of content on all social media platforms and
profiles of UACS/AHSS - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube
- Organization of UACS in house events and projects
o Creation, coordination, and implementation
o Photography for in house UACS/AHSS projects
o Logistics and communication for other events
- Relevant University Degree
- Previous work experience is a plus
- Excellent knowledge of written and spoken English
- Excellent PC skills
- Ability to work both individually and as part of a team
- Strong analytical, communication and organizational skills
- Ability for quick adaptation to a fast paced working environment
Duration of the employment: 12 months
Working hours: 40h per week (08:00 – 16:00)
Employment start: 1.2.2023
Please send a CV and motivational letter to [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] no later than 15.12.2022.
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