Marketing Manager

За компанијата: Со посветеност која трае веќе 15 години, со иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Мотиви успешно им служи на најголемите компании на нашиот пазар и овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи. Од самиот почеток... повеќе за компанијата »

Motivi Employments, for its client Property One Real Estate and Development, an innovative real-estate agency, co-work hub, and consulting agency, with deep experience in the local market, is looking for a:

Marketing Manager

About the role:

You will be responsible for creating and executing strategic marketing initiatives to drive engagement. You will play a crucial role in contributing to the organization's success by enhancing brand visibility within the competitive market.


  • Craft strategies that resonate with our audience and drive brand growth.
  • Present visionary ideas and strategic plans that connect with our target audience.
  • Design and execute targeted marketing campaigns that deliver commercial results.
  • Plan and oversee social media and public relations initiatives to expand our digital footprint.
  • Foster positive brand image and engagement through effective communication.
  • Develop innovative promotional activities that resonate with the audience, driving interest and participation.
  • Engage with diverse social media and digital marketing platforms.
  • Analyze campaign results, interpret data, and present insights to refine strategies.
  • Leverage data to enhance campaign effectiveness and overall marketing approach.


  • 3+ years of experience in digital marketing.
  • Deep understanding of social media and sponsoring.
  • Great knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, DaVinci Resolve, or other video editing programs would be considered a big advantage.
  • Content writing abilities or Chat GPT
  • Experience with Google Ads is a plus.

Send your application to [email protected] with the subject Marketing Manager.

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