Друштво за осигурување ХАЛК ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ АД Скопје лого

Junior Front-End Developer Employment

За компанијата: ХАЛК ОСИГУРУВАЊЕ АД Скопје е Друштво за неживотно осигурување кое се стреми кон брз развој и зголемено учество на пазарот на осигурување во Република Северна Македонија. На нашите вработени им нудиме динамична... повеќе за компанијата »

HALK OSIGURUVANJE AD Skopje is a non-life insurance company that strives for rapid development and increased participation in the insurance market in the Republic of North Macedonia. We offer our employees dynamic work with the opportunity for professional development and upgrading as well as excellent working conditions in an environment with an ambitious and professional team.

In accordance with our goal and strategy, we need motivated and talented candidates for employment in the following job position:

                                                                      Junior Front-End Developer

Full Job Description

The employee will be responsible for front-end development using HTML, CSS, JSON, JavaScript and other related technologies. The ability to translate static designs into functional code is a must. 

The ideal candidate will be abreast of technological advances in the field and be able to identify areas for potential improvement in our processes and code practices. 

Duties & Responsibilities 

  • Create user interfaces, using front-end code in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and related technologies to interface with back-end code 
  • Use advanced CSS techniques in order to solve design issues 
  • Use the web content management system (CMS) Sitefinity to edit/create pages and assist other departments with adding/editing content in the CMS 
  • Support the front-end team with ongoing site maintenance and production tasks 
  • Participate in brainstorming improvements to the website and how to test those ideas 
  • Participate in code reviews and QA testing for new features and regular deployments 
  • Assist in optimizing client-side code and architecture for performance, accessibility, and reliable interaction 

Preferred Skills 

  • Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent preferred and at least 1+ year of experience in the field or in a related area 
  • Ability to work in a team environment and adapt to constructive criticism 
  • Ability to use latest design/web software tools 
  • Experience with web development concepts and practices 
  • Experience with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and JavaScript
  • Closely follow trends and developments in technology and integrate them into the current environment 
  • Self-directed and capable of working in a fast-paced environment 

If you want to become part of our Company, send us your CV and motivation letter to the following e-mail address: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] , marked "Employment announcement for Junior Front-End Developer".

By submitting your application you confirm that you accept your application and personal data to be processed and taken into account for the future needs of new employments of the Company.

Note: Only employees that fulfill qualifications will be invited for an interview.

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