Плата од 30.000 ден. до 40.000 ден.

За компанијата: Eurofast Global Ltd is a professional services organization operating in South Eastern Europe. The Organization is uniquely positioned as one stop shop for investors and companies seeking professional... повеќе за компанијата »

For its Skopje office, Eurofast is looking to recruit a young, dynamic, career oriented individual for the position of ACCOUNTANT 

Skills & Qualifications

  • Permanent license for accountant / authorized accountant ("уверение за сметководител/овластен сметководител")
  • University degree
  • Minimum three years working experience in Accounting roles for various clients
  • Knowledge of accounting software HELIX (Zonel) is required
  • Excellent command of English and Serbian language
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent computer and internet skills
  • Prior experience with international tax issues and cross-border training will be considered an advantage 

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Bookkeeping
  • Daily communication with clients, offices and tax authorities
  • Preparation of financial statements, internal reports and statutory annual reports
  • Consulting
  • Research and follow-up of related legislation

Please send your CV in English  to email: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]                                               (ref: ENGLISH-SERBIAN SPEAKING ACCOUNTANT)

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