За компанијата: ПАВ МОТИВИ преку иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Ви овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи, без оглед дали се работи за постојани или привремени работни позиции. Ние вистински ја разбираме важноста... повеќе за компанијата » stands as a dynamic online service and employment network, bringing together over 700,000 individuals and job seekers, making it the ideal partner for growth and success.

Motivi Employments for its partner is looking for a:




Duties and Responsibilities

  • Identify and research potential clients
  • Develop and maintain client relationships
  • Negotiate contract terms with clients and communicate with stakeholders
  • Monitor team to ensure contracts are executed as agreed
  • Make and give presentations to prospective clients and internal executives
  • Develop and manage strategic partnerships to grow the business
  • Drive the end-to-end sales process
  • Prepare and submit sales contracts
  • Conduct ongoing market research
  • Create and implement processes and policies to support the overall business
  • Support and manage team members daily
  • Plan and organize promotional, business, and social events
  • Lead promotional activities for events
  • Develop and implement impactful marketing strategies that align with the brand
  • Maintain existing products, coordinate and manage new products and services

Requirements and Qualifications

  • Previous working experience as a Business Developer, Marketing Manager, Client Manager, Growth or Sales Specialist
  • Demonstrated ability in business-to-business (B2B) sales
  • Familiarity with project management methodologies
  • Impeccable verbal and written communication skills
  • Business management skills

We offer

  • Career development programs and training
  • Competitive salary and performance bonuses
  • Working hours Mon-Fri 08:00-16:00
  • Great environment and working atmosphere

Send your application to [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] with the subject BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER

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