Finance employee

За компанијата: Со посветеност која трае веќе 15 години, со иновативни и сеопфатни услуги, Мотиви успешно им служи на најголемите компании на нашиот пазар и овозможува креирање на успешни работни односи. Од самиот почеток... повеќе за компанијата »

Motivi Employments, for its client Skila DOOEL, an international group specialized in the production of paramedical products, located in Prilep, is looking for a


Finance employee (M/F)

- Maintaining the accounting and financial processes by ensuring accurate financial control and reporting. Supporting and reporting to the HQ financial manager in The Netherlands and the local Plant Manager.



- Booking all invoices in the automated ERP system

- Checking these invoices

- Booking and checking Incoming goods invoices

- Daily booking of the banks

- Daily cash books

- Signalling deviations

- Keep track of the credit card statements

- Monthly booking of the cash + calculate cash + secure cash

- Accounts payable and accounts receivable management




- Knowledge of financial processes in an international production environment

- Knowledge and experience with bookkeeping / ERP software, Excel and Word software

- Good communication skills

- Teamwork

- Fluency in English





- Accurate, precise

- Responsibility, discreet

- Result driven

- Flexibility and adaptability

- Embracing continuous improvement

Finance employee (M/F)

- Maintaining the accounting and financial processes by ensuring accurate financial control and reporting. Supporting and reporting to the HQ financial manager in The Netherlands and the local Plant Manager.



- Booking all invoices in the automated ERP system

- Checking these invoices

- Booking and checking Incoming goods invoices

- Daily booking of the banks

- Daily cash books

- Signalling deviations

- Keep track of the credit card statements

- Monthly booking of the cash + calculate cash + secure cash

- Accounts payable and accounts receivable management




- Knowledge of financial processes in an international production environment

- Knowledge and experience with bookkeeping / ERP software, Excel and Word software

- Good communication skills

- Teamwork

- Fluency in English





- Accurate, precise

- Responsibility, discreet

- Result driven

- Flexibility and adaptability

- Embracing continuous improvement



Send your application to [email protected] with the subject FINANCE EMPLOYEE

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