PHP Programmer? There is a better life for you!

It is no longer a suboptimal choice between:


a) Freelancing for a foreign company

    good pay rates, but a lonely existence, working long hours into the evening communicating with people in different time zones, at times that are usually out of sync with your friends and family.


b) Working for a Top down manager company

    OK pay, traditional top down managers who like to call you in the evening, don’t understand agile, your need to spend time with family, or that you require a social life!


                                                                         There is a better way!

Our company is UK owned and has been operating in Macedonia for nearly 12 years. Our management team is Macedonian, but we are heavily influenced by our English owners. We have great pay rates, a 35-hour week and have adopted the agile methodology, working exclusively on in-house projects, allows us to operate at the cutting edge, learning as we go.


We work as a team, supporting each other, get together when we can, for meetings, discussions and training, events which are usually followed by nights out, beer and more laughter.


Experienced and Senior Programmers:

If you can code alone and with a team, but haven't found your true home. Join us and start enjoying your job, interacting with a group of like-minded individuals, who know how to code. Peers who will challenge and inspire you.


Junior Coders:

We don't need Junior Coders, we need Experienced and Senior programmers, but if you are a Junior Programmer and are passionate about programming, and you have the right aptitude and attitude, then we will coach and mentor you to become an experienced coder and set you on the path to become a Senior Programmer.


                                                                                  Join us

If you have the skills, a positive attitude and like to be productive, come and join our team. Work for a company that appreciates you, keeps its promises and provides a happy and supportive working environment, where everyone's contribution is valued.


We are taking precautions for the time being, working from home until the Coronavirus problem diminishes. Once it does, you decide, work remotely, from the office or a combination of both.


This position is open to candidates from all areas of North Macedonia, but involves a minimum one day each month in our Skopje office.

If you have the skills and want to work with a great team, I would be very interested to receive your CV



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