UNICEF: Education Officer, NOA, TA

Education Officer, NOA, TA

За компанијата: УНИЦЕФ е основан пред повеќе од седумдесет години за да одговори на критичните потреби на децата чиј живот беше разорен од Втората светска војна. Всушност, најпрвата пратка на УНИЦЕФ, во август 1947 година, беше за децата во земјава кога таа беше дел од Југославија. повеќе за компанијата »
  • Објавен на 5.2023
  • Активен до 10.05.2023
  • Позиција: Образовен/Спортски кадар
  • Локација: Скопје
  • Веб: www.unicef.org/northmacedonia/mk

UNICEF in North Macedonia is looking for Education Officer, NOA, TA (10 months). 

The Education Officer, under the supervision of the Education Specialist, provides professional technical, operational and administrative assistance throughout the programming process for the education programmes/projects through the application of theoretical and technical skills in researching, collecting, analyzing and presenting technical programme information while learning organizational rules, regulations and procedures to support the development and formulation of the Education Programme within the Country Programme.

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

  • A university degree in one of the following fields is required: education, psychology, sociology, environmental protection, or another relevant technical field.
  • A minimum of one year of professional experience in programme planning, management, and/or research in preschool, primary and secondary education, environmental education and climate change is required.
  • Experience working in a developing country is considered as an asset.
  • Fluency in English is required. Knowledge of other local languages is an asset. Knowledge of another official UN language (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish) or a local language is an asset.

Please use the following link to apply: Vacancies | UNICEF Careers

The vacancy is open until May 10 2023. 

Note: Only applications received online through UNICEF application system (via the above link) will be taken into consideration. No applications will be considered if received through other sources.

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