Puzzle Brains DOOEL лого

Assistant Operations Manager

За компанијата: Founded in Shtip in 2016 and expanding to Bitola in 2021, we started with just five people and grew to nearly 180 professionals. Today, we are the leading outsourcing provider for customer support and... повеќе за компанијата »

Montway Auto Transport www.montway.com

Puzzle Brains Assistant Operations Manager (Contact Center) Fluent in English

(Contractor or Direct Hire) US Based Hours of Operation

Must be based in Macedonia and willing to travel or relocate at least 50-75% of the time to Shtip or Bitola



Brief Description

  1. To monitor the normal workflow in their team as they take care of providing the optimal work environment to achieve the set goals on an individual as well as a team level. This position will oversee the operations Team Managers and Team Leads across Puzzle Brains offices in the company and is responsible for holding the Team Leads accountable to ensure proper management of all their employees and to optimize performance of the employees. 



  • Directly supervise and manage the operations Team Managers & Team leads across Puzzle Brains offices holding them responsible for the employees beneath them, reporting, coaching, training and overall performance of their teams.
    • Track Dispatch and Support team leads time and attendance in the office, ensuring working the minimum workload of 40hrs a week.
    •  Ensure the dispatch and support team leads monitor, track, and evaluate their teams and organize in a standardized manner for ease of access.
    • Hold Team leads and managers accountable for performance of their team, and KPI metrics. 
  • Ensure that the Team Leaders organize breaks and lunches in a way that does not affect the work process but still satisfies the needs of the team for all offices. Allowing optimal phone coverage throughout all ends of the day and making changes to scheduling as the business needs change. 
  • Optimize the productivity of all team members, and hold the team leads accountable for their team performance. 
  • Leads the team in a way that gives maximum efficiency complying with the individual’s abilities of the employees. 
  • Hold the Team Managers and Team Leads accountable and be involved while they provide feedback about the reached results on a monthly basis, for employees that are less than 90 days in the company, 2 times a month. 
  • Follow, report and analyze the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for each individual team member along with the team leads daily/weekly/monthly. This should allow you to make a comparative analysis and allow you to be able to prepare for necessary improvement plans as needed.
  • Monitor the number of people leaving (quitting, or vacations) and make necessary changes to minimize the unpredicted absences.  Work with Operations Managers.
  • Analyze and dissect regular data that is gathered by the team leads, to take proactive actions and prevent potential losses for the company. Analyze the data for the team and share. 
  • Recommend changes to processes to improve business results.  Plan to test and implement any process changes.
  • Attend as needed job interviews and actively participate in the recruitment process. 
  • Maintain and track the goals for the team leads and individual employees and if needed, direct them how to increase performance in order to achieve the set individual and team goals.   Complete annual reviews for team leads and employees on time.
  • Use different approaches and techniques for motivation for the employees in order to reach the necessary results.
  • Communicate with the rest of the management team the main gaps among the employees and actively offer ideas to cope with these gaps. Be fully transparent in the problems that exist so that we can work to prepare and overcome hurdles. 
  • Analyze data and statistics in order to be able to gain an idea for the needs of the team. 
  • Present on a monthly basis in front of the direct managers the results of his/her performed actions and plans for the next month. 
  • If necessary, to leave all other duties and to work equally with the rest of the team. 
  • If necessary, to comply with the location of agents, and provide the same quality and feedback, regardless of where they are. 
  • Responsible for keeping a unified KPI scorecard up to date for dispatch & support teams. (exemptions, LiveChat, BL, Sales, Account coordinators, RL’s, Specialty Moves)
  • Oversee QA and training management including knowledge tests. 
  • Unify operations monthly staffing schedules.



  • Responsible for holding team leads and team managers accountable for the normal flow of the workday for their respective teams.
  • Ensure all team leads and managers have schedules posted at a minimum 1 month in advance, and hold their team accountable for schedules, breaks, results.
  • Responsible for the quality of the customer service (phone, email, load board) and holding the respected team leads accountable for performance. 
  • Responsible for maintaining good documentation for the job performed and holding the respected team leads accountable for proper coaching, write ups, and additional training needed along with the appropriate documentation after each action. 
  • Responsible for giving regular feedback to the team leads, along with potential areas to improve. 
  • Responsible for the professional development of every employee on the team and hold the team leads accountable for the same in their teams. 
  • Responsible for informing the management team how the team performs and the actions of optimization and increased efficiency and effectiveness. 
  • Responsible for informing the team regarding changes to processes and procedures, actualizations, etc. 
  • Responsible for monitoring and analyzing the violations of the work discipline (work delays, non-compliance with the rules for working with the hardware, software, etc) 
  • Work with other department heads and hire ups on a unification of departments, tasks, and workflows to optimize the efficiency of all company departments. 



  • Hierarchical 
  • This position is reporting directly to the Montway Operations Manager
  • In the performance of the position organizational relationships and relationships with all other managers and employees are made.



  • Respects the personal dignity of every manager, worker, or employee in the company. All offices treated equal to one another regardless of size or teams. When performing his/her responsibilities, does not spread personal information that could harm the dignity of any other manager, worker, or employee in the company.
  • The employee is obligated to be loyal towards the employer by not abusing his/her trust and does not spread confidential information about him/her as well as keep the good company name. 


  • Achieving the set goals for the team.
  • Quality execution of the work on an individual and team level.
  • Effectively planning and helping develop the skills of every employee in the team and office. 
  • On time prepared schedules and reports complying with the work volume.
  • Proper planning of staff needs. 
  • Regular reporting of the results to the team and higher ups.
  • When there are changes, to adequately manage them throughout the team. 
  • Effectively manage conflicts within the team and between the team and other employees in the company.
  • Reports are compliant with the work. 




  • Ability to work a minimum 40hr work week. 
    • Sometimes the business requires overtime, as an assistant operations manager, it should be expected to work past your normal scheduled shift. It is not uncommon to put in 45-50hr work week. 
  • Ability to make decisions, based on analyses and forecasts, synchronizing with the set goals for development of the teams he/she manages. 
  • Communication skills and mentoring skills, managing large groups of people. 
  • Ability to write and present information in an organized professional fashion. 
  • Communication and decision making, problem solving skills from everyday characters, and high-level problems, along with problems pertaining with the overall activity from the managed by his/her teams. 
    • Critical decision making 
  • Ability to take ownership and responsibility or actions made along with process and team performance. Ultimately the team’s performance reflects on your performance. 



  • Education: Master’s degree in the fields of “Economics”, “Business Management”, “Finance”, etc.
  • Other qualifications: operating computer and excellent knowledge of English.
  • Professional experience: at least 2 years of experience in managing teams across a global entity.
  • Call center experience in customer service strongly preferred. 


Personal qualities:

  • Communicative
  • Proactive and analytical
  • Adaptive and agile
  • Decision making skills
  • Conflict management skills
  • Ability to prioritize
  • Teamwork skills
  • Strategic planning skills
  • Time management skills
  • Independent
  • Orientation towards achieving results
  • Punctual
  • Overachiever / Workaholic  


If you are interested, please submit your application at [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

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