Senior Graphic Designer

За компанијата: LEORON is the leading corporate training and EdTech company in the EMEA region, with the most comprehensive learning and development solutions in all strategic corporate functions, including Corporate... повеќе за компанијата »

Активни огласи од Леорон:


Report to: Head of Graphic Design

Office: Skopje

Working Hours: Sunday – Thursday 07:30 – 15:45


09:45 – 10:00

13:00 – 13:30

Job Purpose

Senior Graphic Designer is responsible for the process of defining requirements, visualizing, and creating graphics including illustrations, logos, layouts, and photos. You will be the one to shape the visual aspects of websites, brochures, books, slides, magazines, annual reports, advertisements, and other communication material. The Senior Designer applies specific company designs related to font, spacing, logos, colors, and design components; including all promotional materials, training books, delegate kits, which include certificates, nametags, learning papers. The Senior designer assists Lead Designers in the entire process and also works closely with Marketing Department.


Required Qualification

1. Proficient in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator

2. Microsoft Office

3. English Language Proficiency

4. Premiere & After Effects are plus

5. 5+ years of working experience (preferable in Marketing Agency or Print House))


Major Roles and Responsibilities​​

  • • Use data provided to create official brochures by applying specific-corporate-designing rules related to font, spacing, logos, colors and design components.
    • Updating all catalogs (In-House Prospectus, L&D Catalog, Corporate Profile, Leoron Weekly Magazine…)
    • Design and update of all legal documents and templates
    • Creating logos, vectorising logos
    • Social Media advertising (banners for all platforms)
    • Desktop Publishing (DTP, Preparation of files for print and web)
    • Design of post training and annual reports
    • Transferring client’s power point presentations into Leoron branded power point files
    • Transferring word documents into Leoron branded word files
    • Taking care of the visual consistency of Leoron as a brand
    • Learning and using client’s branding guidelines for various projects


Monthly Salary: Per signed contract

Annual Bonus: Performance-based

Additional Benefits

Professional Development Training Daily meal provided at the Company’s Cantina Wellness Program at the company’s gym, seminars Corporate discount for purchasing a mobile device 21 Days of paid holiday, per year + national and religious holidays (fully respecting and complying with Macedonia’s Labor Law)


Attending LEORON Training Courses delivered by our Top Experts and Consultants, in various areas.  We build, develop, and grow our people, to be the best experts in the industry.


In Leoron Institute we have a defined structure and journey, with promotion and advancement opportunities. As we grow as a company, more positions open, for our employees to grow further.


Opportunity to learn from the best of the best, experts in their field and seasoned professionals.  Working with Leaders who support your development and growth.


We have 12+ different nationalities in our Leoron Family. Diversity is what makes us unique, having everyone have the same opportunities equally.


In a big corporation like ours, you’ll have the opportunity to meet different people, socialize and connect.


We have organized Breakfast/ Lunch in our office for every day; many Events, Health and Wellness Activities, and Socializing Events for our Leoronians.


Being a stable company, our employees stay for many years with us.


We have one of the top salaries in the market, with extra target and performance based bonuses.


We are all aiming at the same goal, being successful, building a career and being the best. You will be surrounded by top professionals.

Please apply by submitting your CV at this address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

Deadline for applications is: 05th of April 2022


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