Double Tree by Hilton Skopje лого

Bellboy/Хотелски носач

За компанијата: На само неколу минути од реката и од центарот на Скопје, Хотелот вклучува базен со џакузи, ресторан и топло колаче за добредојде. Со погодна локација кадешто централниот дел од Скопје со сите познати туристички... повеќе за компанијата »

At Hilton we believe Hospitality isn’t just a job. It’s a journey of self-discovery, growth, community and cultures. Our Team Members are extraordinary professionals who work together to deliver exceptional experiences for all who walk through our doors. As we continue to grow and innovate, our Vision “to fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality” has never faltered. We are more than a room for the night. We create heartfelt experiences for Guests, meaningful opportunities for Team Members, and a positive impact in our Communities.

 If you want to become part of our great family, we have open positions just for you!
DoubleTree by Hilton Skopje is looking for:

Bell Boy


  • Minimum 2 years of experience in the hotel industry
  • Basic knowledge of English
  • Knowledge of Turkish and Albanian language will be considered as advantage
  • Communicative, responsible and loyal person
  • Self-initiative with a positive attitude
  • Teamwork and professional attitude towards clients

Only candidates that fulfil the given criteria will be invited for an interview.  Please send your CV to the following e-mail:   [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

All applications will be treated with strict confidence. With the submission of the application the candidate accepts his personal data given in the application to be kept in the data base of the Employer within one year from the date of application. The candidate can at any time withdraw the given consent for keeping and processing of the personal data in accordance with the Law on personal data protection. Double Tree by Hilton will conduct the process of selection on the most suitable candidate in accordance with the number of received applications. The working hours are 40 per week from Monday till Sunday, organized in two shifts between 07:00- 23:00. The employee shall be entitled to use the days of weekly rest in working day or during weekend in accordance with the weekly working schedule.

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