Child Protection Officer, NOA, Temporary Appointment

За компанијата: УНИЦЕФ е основан пред повеќе од седумдесет години за да одговори на критичните потреби на децата чиј живот беше разорен од Втората светска војна. Всушност, најпрвата пратка на УНИЦЕФ, во август 1947 година, беше за децата во земјава кога таа беше дел од Југославија. повеќе за компанијата »

UNICEF in North Macedonia is seeking for a National Child Protection Officer, NOA level, who will be responsible for providing technical support to the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all stages of child protection programing and related advocacy from strategic planning and formulation to delivery of concrete and sustainable results. 

If you are passionate about ensuring that every child lives in supportive family environment, you are eager to turn great ideas into lasting change for all children regardless of ability, you can establish and maintain mutually supportive working relationship with a diverse group of stakeholders, you are persistent worker and value responsibilities and commitment, you are quick to find practical solutions to get the job done, you are invited to access the detailed job description and apply for the position at the following link:

Note: Only applications received online through UNICEF application system (via the above link) will be taken into consideration. No applications will be considered if received through other sources. 

Closing date for applying 3 May 2021, 23.59

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