Re-advertisement: Youth Programme National Consultant

За компанијата: УНИЦЕФ е основан пред повеќе од седумдесет години за да одговори на критичните потреби на децата чиј живот беше разорен од Втората светска војна. Всушност, најпрвата пратка на УНИЦЕФ, во август 1947 година, беше за децата во земјава кога таа беше дел од Југославија. повеќе за компанијата »
  • Објавен на 9.2022
  • Активен до 06.10.2022
  • Позиција: Административен работник
  • Локација: Скопје
  • Веб:

UNICEF in the Republic of North Macedonia is devoted to ensuring that young people are included in all facets of public life and experience rights and responsibilities.  The country programme recognizes the need for UNICEF to better address the issues facing young people. This is confirmed by the Youth Situation Analysis (SitAn) that was conducted in late 2019.

The consultant will inform UNICEF on a strategic vision and programming with and for adolescents and young people, as articulated in the CPD, the SitAn and the Youth SitAn.

The overall goal of the position is to collaborate directly with programme staff and give technical support and evidence-based guidance to the various program sections in initiatives targeting adolescents and youth. This will aid in designing, scaling up and identify cross cutting solutions that address the needs of the adolescents and youth. Under the general supervision of the Education Officer and lateral thematic support from section Chiefs, the consultant will provide multisectoral professional technical contribution, planning, administration, monitoring and evaluation, data analysis and progress reporting.

Please use the following link to apply: Vacancies | UNICEF Careers

The vacancy is open until October 6, 2022.

Note: Only applications received online through UNICEF application system (via the above link) will be taken into consideration. No applications will be considered if received through other sources.

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