Production Planner

За компанијата: Компанијатакоја се бави со производство на автомобилски навлаки и седишта во ТИРЗ - Тетово. повеќе за компанијата »

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Job Responsibilities

Production Scheduling: Developing and maintaining production schedules
based on customer orders, production capacity, and inventory level
Demand Forecasting: Analyzing sales and demand data to forecast future production requirements.
Inventory Management: Monitoring and managing inventory levels to avoid
shortages or excesses. This involves tracking inventory levels, initiating production
orders as needed, and coordinating with procurement and warehouse teams to optimize stock levels
Production Monitoring: Monitoring production processes to ensure they are
running smoothly and according to plan. This includes tracking production metrics,
identifying bottlenecks or issues, and taking corrective actions to minimize disruptions and delays

Job Requirements

Technical university Degree (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering preferred
Previous experience in automotive industry on same position
Foreign Languages: English (working proficiency)
Advanced computer skills ( MS Excel, MS Project, Power Point, AutoCAD)
Previous experience in automotive industry
Ability to be adaptable and flexible in a constantly changing environment.

Please submit your CV to [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] no later than 12 June 2023.

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