Машински/Индустриски инженер

За компанијата: GASTAINER е пионер во обезбедувањето интегрирани решенија за компримиран природен гас (CNG) за македонските индустриски и комерцијални пазари. повеќе за компанијата »
  • Објавен на 4.2022
  • Активен до 27.04.2022
  • Позиција: Инженер и технолог
  • Локација: Скопје
  • Веб:

Applications Engineer


The Applications Engineer supports the engineering activities for the company and is primarily focused on providing technical and commercial support to the Operations & Maintenance and Business Development teams.


  • Bachelor’s degree in engineering.
  • 5+ years in a hands-on engineering role within an industrial business. Oil field experience is an asset.
  • Experience with controls, piping systems, and compressed gases strongly preferred.
  • Experience with all phases of project execution from front-end sales activities through to commissioning and hand-over.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • A self-starter with relentless habits in line with GASTAINER vision.
  • A willingness to be a pioneer and help move the business into new market segments with significant growth potential.
  • Fluent in English, writing and speaking
  • Proficiency in reporting and recording.
  • Proven experience working in both office and remote settings with little to no oversight or supervision.

Job Description:

  • Responsible for the management of maintenance and operation of reciprocating compressing stations and gas power generators
  • Operation and maintenance of gas pressure reducing and metering stations.
  • Analyze and optimize logistic supply chain for road truck transportation
  • Provide technical expertise during customer office and/or field site visits.
  • Provide technical expertise to the Sales team for projects that require engineering support to be successful.
  • Support the Sales team in accurately defining project scope and costs through detailed estimates and preliminary designs.
  • Liaise with vendors, suppliers, and construction partners for both the development of new proposals as well as to expand GASTAINER’s supply chain options.
  • Complete detailed designs of major customer projects after project award.
  • Coordinate and manage construction of required onsite infrastructure.
  • Provide technical assistance to field and visit customer sites as needed, either remote or in person.
  • Act as technical connection to vendors, suppliers, and construction partners.
  • Research regulatory requirements and execute changes to achieve compliance.
  • Build tools and processes to standardize or simplify day to day work and improve consistency.

If you are willing to apply for this position please send your cv to [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]


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