Digital Media National Consultant

За компанијата: УНИЦЕФ е основан пред повеќе од седумдесет години за да одговори на критичните потреби на децата чиј живот беше разорен од Втората светска војна. Всушност, најпрвата пратка на УНИЦЕФ, во август 1947 година, беше за децата во земјава кога таа беше дел од Југославија. повеќе за компанијата »
  • Објавен на 9.2022
  • Активен до 06.10.2022
  • Позиција: Маркетинг/ПР/Дигитал
  • Локација: Скопје
  • Веб:

UNICEF country office in Skopje is looking to engage a Digital Media Consultant who will work in office and be responsible for maintaining the UNICEF office presence on a social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram); and developing digital content and ongoing maintenance of

Working under the supervision of the Communication Officer and in close collaboration with other members of the Communication team and Programme and Operations colleagues, the consultant will be required to maintain UNICEF digital and social media channels, identify and create engaging content around issues related to UNICEF’s mandate and engage followers in a dynamic, interactive and meaningful way. The consultant will also support and contribute to the creation and coordination of digital media strategies and campaigns, digital marketing, and monitoring and analysis.

Please use the following link to apply: Vacancies | UNICEF Careers

The vacancy is open until October 6, 2022.

Note: Only applications received online through UNICEF application system (via the above link) will be taken into consideration. No applications will be considered if received through other sources.

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