Junior Finance Administrator

За компанијата: We are convinced that pro-activeness, quality focus, creative sourcing and candidate engagement are the key starters for successful recruitment. In the current tight labour market, we saw the importance... повеќе за компанијата »
  • Објавен на 3.2019
  • FrontwiseGroup
  • Активен до 25.03.2019
  • Позиција: Економист/Сметководител/Ревизор
  • Локација: Скопје
  • Веб: www.frontwisegroup.com/

Job description:

We are searching for a talented Junior Finance Administrator to join our team and work for an international client. If you have experience in basic accountancy, administrative and finance support, working experience with a financial software and if you are detail oriented and good in time management, you are the person we need.


  • Highly organized and flexible; able to adapt to changing circumstances
  • Excellent interpersonal and team building skills
  • Analytical, problem-solving 
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English

Please apply on this link https://frontwisegroup2.recruitee.com/o/junior-finance-administrator 

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