Infrastructure and networking engineer

За компанијата: Обезбедува ИТ производи на даватели на услуги, компании на ниво на претпријатија, како и мали и средни бизниси. повеќе за компанијата »

Infosoft Systems DOO Skopje, is seeking to recruit:

Infrastructure and networking engineer


- To design / create technical specifications for projects with business customers, in accordance with the needs and requirements of the business;

- To organize and develop fully the technical relations with certain business clients, in conjunction with the sales team;

- To carry out the design and configuration of the system: Installing the management system, Identifying, documenting and implementing system standards;

- To prepare and select business products, in cooperation with domestic entities;

- To create and update the contact base of persons working for domestic entities or strategic partners;

- It implements the information systems and mission of the organization, meeting the expectations that depend on the needs;

- Reporting on the state of the network, by collecting and giving priority to the information;

Requirements for the candidate

- University Degree in Computer science, Computer engineering, Electronic engineering or other technical fields;

- From 3 to 5 years of working experience in the field of technology;

- To have knowledge of the process of sale;

- Be able to solve problems, know about LAN and Proxy servers;

- To have knowledge about the networks, designing and implementing them, selecting a network of networks, network configuration, filling the characteristics of the network;

- To have a very good knowledge of the English language (writing and communicating)

- Have good organizational skills;

- Have good communication skills;

- Have very good analytical and assessment skills.

Qualified candidates should submit the letter of interest, the updated CV and the copies of supporting documents including letters of reference, to the following email address: [email protected]

The CV-s must be in English. The closing date for applications is January 25th, 2019.  

The personal information that you will submit through your application, will be protected and used only for recruiting purposes, according to the legislation for the protection of personal information, the Law on Personal Data Protection ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 7/05, 103/08, 124/08, 124/10, 135/2011, 43/2014 and 153/15).

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