Motivational Technician

За компанијата: Компанијатакоја се бави со производство на автомобилски навлаки и седишта во ТИРЗ - Тетово. повеќе за компанијата »

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Job Responsibilities:

  • Proactively seeks opportunities to build and improve positive relationships with colleagues, leaders, and experts
  • The Specialist has strong skills in the field of communications, media relations, social media, digital, news and/or staff engagement communications activities
  • Lead all the community engagement activities
  • Lead the wellbeing activities as per corporate guidance
  • Support the surveys and engagement projects
  • Works on the promotion/award of the employees (ex. Anniversary, Team of the month, Employee of the month)
  • Recording voice messages to promote the employees' efforts and results
  • Promote the company culture externally and internally

Job Requirements:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in a related field, which may include business, communications or marketing
  • Advanced knowledge of Excel and Power Point
  • Foreign Languages: Good knowledge of English
  • Ability to be adaptable and flexible in a constantly changing environment.
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment to support demanding automotive customer requirements
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • Ability to work with a dynamic and demanding team
  • Responsiveness, team spirit (honest, willing to cooperate)

Please submit your CV to [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] no later than November 30, 2022.

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