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IPA III/2024/460-113
Project title: Support of Quality Assurance System for Social Services
Contracting Authority: European Union Delegation (EUD) in North Macedonia
Implemented by: WYG SAVJETOVANJE d.o.o. with CGM Consorziowith CGM Consorzio Nazionale della Cooperatione Sociale Gio Mattarelli
Beneficiary institutions: Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth MSPDY
Project duration: 30 months, from November 2024 to May 2027
The Senior Non-Key Expert in Quality Standards will work as part of the project team for the EU funded project “Support of Quality Assurance System for Social Services” in the Republic of North Macedonia.
Overall objective of the project is to support reforms and policies that promotes access to quality social services for all beneficiaries throughout the country. The purpose of the project is to further develop and support the implementation of comprehensive effective and efficient quality assurance system of social services.
Expected Outputs to be achieved are the following:
- Output 1: Enhanced functional framework for implementation of quality assurance standards for delivery of social services through advancement of M&E system and performance framework for measuring at national, regional and local level.
- Output 2: Reinforced capacities of relevant stakeholders for applying comprehensive set of M&E methodology and tools for delivery of social services, as well enhanced reporting and planning at national, regional and local level.
- Output 3: Enhanced capacities for conducting supervision and inspection by relevant institutions.
Target groups are relevant staff from the following stakeholders responsible and involved in the monitoring, evaluation and inspection of social services:
- Ministry of Social Policy, Demographics and Youth and its departments with roles and responsibilities in monitoring, evaluation, supervision and inspection of social services (Social Protection Department, Social Inspection Department, Department for Decentralisation of and Development of Social Protection Services at Local Level, other departments), Institute for Social Activities (ISA);
- Multi-functional Assessment Commissions, Commission for licensing of social services and Commission for financing of social services;
- Social Work Centres;
- Local Self-Government Units (Municipalities);
- Public and Private Social Service Providers;
- Users of services (final beneficiaries’ level)
- Ombudsman
Key tasks of SNKE include:
- To develop framework for horizontal quality standards for social services provision
- To prepare and implement workshops and consultations to ensure that the standards meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders
- To refine and finalize draft framework
- To plane and prepare rulebooks and guidelines for implementing the quality standards
- To conduct a comprehensive review of existing performance measurement practices and frameworks for Measuring the Quality of Social Services
- To develop of the Draft Performance Framework
- To conduct a review of the existing norms and standards that govern social service provision
- To organise consultations and workshops on revising norms and standards
- To revise norms and standards for Provision of Social Services
- To develop or update guidelines and rulebooks to formalize the revised norms and standards
- To review and revise of the methodology for setting unit prices (costing) for social services.
- To plan and implement pilot projects to test the developed mechanisms, tools, norms, and standards Feedback Collection
- To gather feedback from the pilot projects
- To analyse the feedback and to make adjustments to the guidelines
Planned days – contracting period:
A total of up to 120 working days are planned for the SNKE during the period from April 2025 to April 2027. The allocation of days to specific tasks remains provisional.
- Review of documentation on the current situation with quality standards in the country
- Comprehensive framework for horizontal quality standards for social services provision
- Rulebooks and guidelines for implementing the quality standards
- Developed performance framework with a set of indicators, procedures, templates and tools for data collection and reporting
- Proposal for revision of norms and standards for social service provision
- Proposal for updates in guidelines and rulebooks
- Proposal for revision of methodology for setting prices for social services
- Validated mechanisms, tools, norms, and standards for social service provision
- Successfully tested and operationalized frameworks within the national M&E system
- Drafts for additional mandatory requirements developed in compliance with quality standards
- Standardized reporting templates, methodologies, and tools developed and disseminated
- Established protocols for data collection, validation, analysis, and reporting
- Implementation of performance frameworks to measure outcomes and effectiveness
- The expert will be responsible to the Project Team Leader.
The office base is in Skopje. In addition, various activities may be performed elsewhere in North Macedonia.
Qualifications and Skills Required
- At least a University Degree (where a university degree has been awarded on completion of a minimum of 3 years of study in a university or equivalent institution) or 5 years of general experience above the minimum relevant experience requested in the field;
- An excellent command in English;
- Full computer literacy;
- Strong experience in preparing written reports;
- Ability to work as part of a team.
General professional experience
- At least 7 years of relevant experience in the field of the social protection in North Macedonia
Specific professional experience
- At least 7 years of relevant professional experience in implementing, managing and monitoring social services;
- Strong knowledge of standards of social services and quality assessment;
- Experience in EU or UN funded projects is an advantage.
Submission of Applications
Applications must be sent in English (CV in Europass format including exact dates with number of working days for each experience, and a motivation letter) via e-mail to Ms. Sanya Stamenkovska, Office Manager, [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] , indicating “Senior Non-Key Expert in Quality Standards” in the subject line. References must be available on request.
The application submission deadline is 4 April 2025. Applications received after the deadline or incomplete applications will not be taken into consideration. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
The expert must not have had any contractual relationship with the public administration of the Republic of North Macedonia for at least 6 (six) months prior to his/her hiring.