Tender unit Assistant

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InfoSoft Systems Doo Skopje

Department: Sales

Title: Tender unit  Assistant


An excellent opportunity for Tender unit Assistant  in a System Integration area to join a regional market leader Company.

You will be responsible person for recording and providing the tender’s documents and executing other processes at tender unit. Managing request, until the finalization and submitting the documented bid according to the request and within the required deadlines, based on the company procedures, instructions and regulations.

What You’ll Do

  • Recording bids publications.
  • Providing tender’s documents.
  • Distributing the standard documents of new tenders for SM’ assignment.
  • Processing and evidencing the qualification criteria for tenders.
  • Recording and gathering the requests for clarification. Drafting the relevant document (official letter/ customer’s determined template) and uploading it to the site, or sending via mail.
  • Carries out the procedure for renewing the documentation that expires.
  • Providing the insurance form for offer/contract for tender.
  • Requests to the Finance Unit the preparation of the offer/contract for bank guarantee.
  • Preparing tender’s documentation, finding similar contracts, staff certification, other additional documents depending on the requirements and the tender documents.
  • Translation of documents for the tender, scanning and notarizations, if needed.
  • Notarizations of company’s documentation and checking their accuracy.
  • Periodical checking in the Public Procurement bureau site, for questions, tender’ additions or modifications.
  • In case of the electronic procurements, uploading of the bid file in Public Procurement bureau site. In case of envelope tender/bidding procedure, creating the tenders’ files and sending them.
  • Controlling and uploading the offers for small procurements.
  • Preparation of additional documents for small procurements depending on the requirements.
  • Administration of the tender documentation, including electronic archiving of closed tender’s data and/or hardcopy archiving of the submitted offers.
  • Creating other offers (in case of JV, etc.) if needed.
  • Collecting of documentation of cooperating bidders (JV, subcontractor).
  • Preparing the tender file in case the company is declared the winner.
  • Ensuring the update of “Table for following up the tenders in process” . Reporting of won/lost tenders.

Other back office duties:

  • Assistance offer preparation processes
  • Prepare invoices and delivers the clients’ orders in Navision ERP system
  • Preparation of sales reports
  • Collects and organizes financial documents
  • Maintains client’s database and company contracts
  • Other administrative duties as assigned

What You’ll Need To Be Successful

  • BS formal education in Economics, Business Administration, Computer science,
  • 3+ years of work experience in the field in similar job positions
  • Good knowledge of the legislation on the public procurements;
  • Good knowledge of Information Technology;
  • Ability to work in a group and under pressure;
  • Very good organizational and time management skills, able to respect deadlines.
  • Skills in coordinating different working groups at once, in presence or through online communication
  • Good team player with excellent interpersonal & communication skills, a good sense of humor is always a plus.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skill in English Language.

What You Can Expect From Us

  • Competitive base salary, with the possibility of continuous growth and reward upon assigned objectives. Statutory benefits also provided in accordance with local laws and practice.
  • Great opportunity to join a Balkan wide recognized & market leading company - InfoSoft Systems Group is amongst the top systems integrators with more than 30 years of experience;
  • Liberal and enriching environment for experiencing state-of-the-art technologies, by working closely with the industry leading vendors;
  • Carrier development and professional challenges
  • Excellent work environment

Qualified candidates should submit the letter of interest and their CV, to the following email address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] , with „Subject” indication:  Tender unit Assistant

Only qualified candidates will be called for an interview.

The CV-s must be in English. The closing date for applications is 29.12.2023.  

The personal information that you will submit through your application, will be protected and used only for recruiting purposes, according to the legislation for the protection of personal information, the Law on Personal Data Protection ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 7/05, 103/08, 124/08, 124/10, 135/2011, 43/2014 and 153/15).

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