IT Administrator

За компанијата: Предизвиците во областа на човечките ресурси не се само наша секојдневна работа, туку се и наша страст. Нашето знаење и експертиза ни дозволуваат да имаме уникатен пристап кон секоја задача. Нашите клиенти... повеќе за компанијата »

KIel Group is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of passenger seating systems for buses and rail vehicles on the local, regional and intercity level. Around the globe, Kiel is acknowledged for its high-quality products, unrivaled expertise, know-how and its dedicated workforce.

For Kiel’s production facility in Zhelino, DEKRA is looking for:



  • Manage servers, security solutions, network hardware, telecommunications infrastructure and equipment;
  • Manage financial aspects of the IT Department, including purchasing, budgeting, and budget review;
  • Install and maintain desktop computer hardware; including computers, monitors, printers, modems, internal cards, and other computer equipment;
  • Develop and implement all IT policies and procedures, including those for security, disaster recovery, purchasing, and service provision;
  • Perform systems upgrades, installations, conversions, and file maintenance;
  • Diagnose and rectify a wide range of complex computer hardware and software problems;
  • Provide advanced technical assistance and comprehensive problem resolution to end users.


  • Relevant High school degree;
  • Advanced knowledge of a wide range of computer systems software, applications, hardware, networking, and communications;
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively in
  • a diverse community;
  • Minimum 3 years expertise in the area of IT;
  • Proficient English language user.


The client offers:

  • Organized transport;
  • Personal protective equipment;
  • Daily meals, fruit and break refreshments;
  • Birthday cakes and other presents through the year;
  • Organized events;
  • Committed team members with broad experience who share a common passion to build a world class business.

If you have the experience and you are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV in English on the following e-mail address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

Application deadline is: 18.07.2022

All received applications will be considered in strict confidentiality.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
*By sending your CV and motivation letter, you agree that your personal data will be processed for the needs of recruitment and selection by DEKRA Arbeit Macedonia and they will be stored in the DEKRA database.
Note: Candidates can withdraw their permission to process their personal documents at any time by sending a notification to the e-mail: [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

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