За компанијата: Американската гимназија Скопје нуди висококвалитетно образование и негувачка растечка средина заснована на концепт на учење насочен кон ученикот. Тоа е средно училиште кое е посветено на подготовка на...
повеќе за компанијата »(преземи го огласот како слика)
Secretary General
- Monitoring Laws and Legal Regulations
- Preparation and amend of internal legal acts in accordance with positive legal provisions and bylaws
- Responsible for all internal and external legal issues
- Preparation of Legal documents and official documents
- Preparation and amend of contracts for enrollment, scholarships and accreditation documents
- Preparation of minutes of meetings and disciplinary measures
- Responsible for correct application of legal regulations, bylaws and internal acts of AHSS
- Monitoring deadlines for delivering Decisions, Requests and other documents
- Advising the Principal/Assistant Principal on legal, administrative-legal, and administrative-technical matters
- BA in Law (Master’s Degree will be an advantage)
- Excellent knowledge of the Law on Secondary Education
- 2 year experience (experience in Education will be an advantage)
- English Language (B2 minimum)
- Strong computer skills
- Ability for Teamwork and collaboration
- Professionalism and strong work ethic
- Analytical and problem-solving skills
- Attention to detail
Job Type: Full-Time
Working Hours: 40h per week (8am-4pm)
Duration: 12 months
Starting Date: March 15, 2024
Location: Treta Makedonska Brigada 60, Skopje
Apply to [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот] with your CV & Motivation Letter no later than February 10, 2024
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