За компанијата: Vita Media Group is a frontrunner in the world of iGaming, lead generation and affiliate marketing.
With a dedicated data driven approach we ensure that our users always find exactly what they are looking...
повеќе за компанијата »Web and Graphic Designer
Vita Media Group in Skopje is looking for a full time graphic designer to become a part of its fast-growing team in Skopje. You will be joining a vibrant and enthusiastic team with a lot of energy and focus.
Vita Media Group has offices in Copenhagen and Skopje. We work within iGaming, finance (consumer loans) and affiliate marketing - across all online marketing channels.
With a dedicated data-driven approach we ensure that our users always find exactly what they are looking for.
Required Qualifications:
- Previous work experience of at least two years in the same or similar position
- Excellent knowledge of Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Animate, XD, HTML5, CSS3 is a plus
- Knowledge of Figma, Sketch and InVision is a plus
- Excellent knowledge of English
- Knowledge of MS Office package and G-Suite
- Broad experience designing beautiful and engaging user journeys from sketching
and prototyping for web development.
Responsibilities and tasks:
- Experience designing outstanding web-based products for a consumer-oriented website, including translating work into responsive designs
- Full branding for new upcoming brands (visual guidelines, logos, story behind the design etc.)
- Ideas and design of logos for new products / services
- Design and preparation of digital banners for marketing campaigns
- Production of flyers, catalogs and similar marketing materials
- Designing visual solutions for marketing campaigns and sales promotions
- Designing a consistent experience for our online ecosystem on web both desktop and mobile environments
- Align every customer touchpoint with your vision for user experience on the web
- Design user interfaces and user experiences
Personal skills:
- Excellent communication and organizational skills
- Attention to details
- Creativity
- Teamwork ability
- Desire to constantly upgrade and develop your abilities
- Quick, effective and efficient performance of assigned tasks
- Ability to combine creativity with organizational structure and efficiency
What we offer:
- Competitive salary
- Coffee & Snacks
- Proactive and helpful colleagues. A fun group of people to work with.
- Free parking and great office location - Park Residence (Currently there is option to choose from home or office)
Потребни квалификации:
- Одлично познавање на Adobe lllustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign
- Претходно работно искуство од две години на иста или слична позиција
- Одлично познавање на англиски јазик
- Познавање на MS Office пакет
- Познавање на Adobe Animate, XD, HTML5, CSS3
Одговорности и задачи:
- Идеа и дизајн на логоа за нови производи / услуги
- Дизајн и подготовка на дигитални банери за маркетинг кампањи
- Изработка на флаери, каталози и слични репрезентативни материјали
- Дизајн на визуелни решенија за маркетинг-кампањи и продажни промоции
Личен профил:
- Одлични комуникациски и организациски вештини
- Посветеност на детали
- Креативност
- Способност за тимска работа
- Желба за постојано надградување и развој на своите способности
- Брзо, ефективно и ефикасно извршување на дадените задачи
- Способност за комбинирање на креативноста со организациската структура и ефикасноста
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