Social media account manager

L.L.T. Marketing DOOEL is a digital marketing agency focused on branding, media buying, and strategic development working only with international clients.

We are looking for a proper English-speaking/writing Social Media Manager who will be responsible for maintaining the social media channels of our clients and be in touch with them.  

To apply, send us your CV in ENGLISH at  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]  with the subject: "Social Media Manager"

What you will do:

  • Designing and implementing social media strategy to align with business goals
  • Oversee social media accounts’ design and content management
  • Communicate with followers, respond to queries in a timely manner and monitor customer reviews
  • Stay up-to-date with current technologies and trends in social media, design tools and applications
  • Provide management reporting

What we offer:

  • A truly flexible and fun working culture
  • A collaborative, creative, and inspiring working environment

Who you are:

  • A Fluent English Speaker
  • Social Media Enthusiast
  • Experienced Canva Designer
  • Strategical Thinker

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