Logistics Driver

Novatek Inv Skopje - IT company, is seeking to recruit:

Logistics Driver - Full time or part time


  • Prepares and completes orders for delivery based on invoice / delivery.
  • Collects good for service.
  • Maintains and ensures correct usage of company vehicle.
  • Follows high quality service standards and ensures customer care and satisfaction.
  • Performs related duties as required

Candidate’s Requirements:

  • Valid driver's license Class B with clean driving record.
  • Ability to lift IT products.
  • High school diploma or equivalent.
  • More than two years experience as warehouse worker or driver.
  • Team worker and ability to work under pressure.

Qualified candidates should submit their CV to the following e-mail address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

The closing date for applications is 20.03.2024


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