International Business Development Director

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NCVM is an international marketing recruitment agency, being part of a conglomerate of companies active in the learning and knowledge industry in The Netherlands. Following an internationalization strategy, the company is expanding into several European countries with a quickly expanding knowledge business network for leaders and managers. For their new office in Skopje, in Aura Business Center, Dekra is looking for:

  • International Business Development Director

Job Description: 

The position of International Business Development Director includes two main responsibilities:

  • Taking care of the international expansion in setting up new countries (chapters).

This includes mainly the opening of new chapters (a chapter is a regional area in a specific country, or a country as a whole). A chapter has a Chapter Manager, and manages “Mastermind Groups”. These Mastermind Groups are groups consisting out of managers and leaders who are “trained” by a professional trainer, the “Master”.

The process of setting up a chapter includes:

  • Selecting a country
  • Analyzing the country’s sectors
  • Contacting potential Chapter Managers and/or Masters
  • Setting up a “road show” in that area
  • Together with the CEO, travel there and meet the people, select the people
  • Managing and setting up the office in Macedonia 

The people working in Skopje, Macedonia work in a faciltary office. The most important tasks in the facilitary office are:

  • Make contacts with potential clients for the Chapters
  • Do phone calls with potential clients for the Chapters
  • Invite potential clients to sessions
  • Find Masters to help organize sessions
  • Do other facilitary tasks for the Chapters, Masters and Chapter Managers.

The International Business Development Director manages as well the people in the office in Macedonia (who facilitate the newly set up chapters).

The first regions in which the new Chapters are going to be set up is likely to be in Europe and Asia.

The current amount of employees in the office in Skopje is 3. In the near future, it will be between 10-15 employees.

Required qualifications:

  • University Degree;
  • Experience in International Business Development, preferably experience in setting up foreign businesses, agencies, or international travel experience;
  • Management of people; 
  • Fluent in English, both spoken and written;
  • Excellent knowledge of the MS Office package.

Professional knowledge and skills:

  • Ambitious;
  • Proactive;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Ability to get on with people at all levels;
  • Strong problem-solving and creative skills;
  • Strong sales and negotiation techniques;
  • Attention to detail.

Additional information:

If you feel that you have the necessary experience and are interested in this amazing opportunity, please send your CV in English on the following e-mail address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]

Application deadline is 20/08/2018.

All received applications will be considered in strict confidentiality.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.

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