Sales Representative for IT products

Novatek Inv, is seeking to recruit:

Sales Representative for IT products

Main Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Identifies and creates new business opportunities.
  • Direct sales/presales negotiations with the potential clients for IT products
  • Ensures customer satisfactions to the current and new clients.
  • Ensures the achievement of quarterly and yearly sales target.

Candidate’s Requirements:

  • Excellent business networking in the local market.
  • Excellent selling, negotiation and customer service skills.
  • Excellent organization and time management skills.
  • Highly motivated and target driven.

Education and experience

  • Minimum 1 year of working experience in sales.
  • University degree.
  • Computer literate.

Qualified candidates should submit the updated CV to the following e-mail address:  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]


The closing date for applications is 20.03.2024

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