Now Hiring: Paid Advertising And Social Media Specialist

За компанијата: Вграден врз силното искуство во производствениот сектор, што основачите го развија во Шведска за време на глобалното проширување на 90-тите години, LEORON еволуираше во сеопфатен институт за обука, нудејќи... повеќе за компанијата »

LEORON Professional Development Institute is hiring a Paid Advertising And Social Media Specialist for the Skopje Office

Submit your resume at  [најави се за да го видиш е-маилот]  with the subject line PAID ADVERTISING - SKOPJE

Job Description:

Position: Paid Advertising And Social Media Specialist

Unit: Marketing Team

Reports to: Head Of Marketing

The Paid Advertising And Social Media Specialist is responsible for setting up, optimizing, and reporting on digital advertising campaigns for LEORON Institute on multiple channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn as well as paid search ads within the Google advertising platforms. Campaigns will also include retargeting, display, and video ads.

In addition, the position includes managing LEORON Institute’s social media presence across a multitude of Social Media channels – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

This position includes strategy, budget allocation, and hands-on research, implementation, optimization, and reporting on campaigns.


  • Deploy integrated marketing campaigns aiming to acquire or retain customers
  • Plan, implement, track and measure digital marketing campaigns on all channels in use 
  • Report campaign results on a regular basis and maintains regular measurement of the ROI of campaigns
  • Keep up with the latest marketing trends, research cross-industry best practices to design new marketing campaigns
  • Manage Social Media presence as per our developed calendar of activities

We offer the opportunity to:

  • Earn competitive salaries & Bonuses
  • Attend paid certified trainings
  • Develop strong business acumen
  • Contribute to global innovation
  • Work in a supportive, reliable, and international community; with plenty of professional development opportunities
  • Benefit from a comprehensive wellness program
  • Become a part of an environment committed to excellence


  • The skills/qualifications we are looking for:
  • Minimum 3 years of paid advertising experience with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google Ads
  • Knowledge of Retargeting/Remarketing, Display, and Rich Media/Video Advertising
  • Knowledge of online search mediums and social media and an understanding of how all of these channels work together

Education and Experience: 

  • University degree in Marketing Management, Media, Communications or
  • 3+ years of experience in a similar position

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