Product Specialist

За компанијата: Рауче Медикал дооел Скопје е нова компанија регистрирана за истражување на пазарот и промоција на медицински производи, пред се во областа на анестезиологијата и интензивната нега. Дистрибуираме медицински... повеќе за компанијата »

About us:

Rauché Medical is a new company registered for market research and promotion of medical products, primarily in the fields of anaesthesiology and intensive care. We distribute medical products of innovative and clinically justified modern technologies while having the optimal patient outcome as a primary goal. 

Our team consists of young professionals who continuously educate and improve themselves in their areas of work.  To strengthen our team, we are looking for a person with experience and knowledge in this aspect of business to work with us and create added value for our Company.

Job description:

The Employee will work as a Product Specialist for Masimo's product portfolio which includes the following:

  • education and presentation of medical products to healthcare providers in the territories of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Albania, and Kosovo
  • Participating in professional and scientific conferences (including organizing and giving presentations and holding workshops);
  • Preparing and sending reports on meetings held with the Employer's clients, compiling and sending visit records tables to the Management Board;
  • Delivering the assigned calendar year activity plan;
  • Preparing activity reports
  • Executing orders as instructed by the Company Management Board;

Job requirements

  • Doctor of Medicine
  • professional experience: at least 2 years;
  • independent and responsible person, with excellent communication skills,
  • excellent English
  • A valid category B driving license

We offer:

  • Indefinite-term employment contract (a six-month trial period)
  • Challenging and dynamic job in a friendly work environment
  • International experience, lots of traveling
  • possibility of continuous professional development and training
  • High level of independence
  • Company cell phone, car and laptop
  • entrance education

Type of employment: full-time

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